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About Fjellpulken

About Fjellpulken

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For 60 years, people have trusted Fjellpulken's products, taking us on small trips and big expeditions.

We have been there when dreams have come true and people have had the experiences of a lifetime. Since 1963 we have

built trust through quality. It has given confidence enough to look after the firstborn and the searchers accordingly.

With the quality to follow the roughest adventurers to the South Pole, the North Pole and across Greenland.

Over the years, well over 100,000 children's sleds and tens of thousands of hiking and expedition models have been sold.

We are proud of this, because it says something about the trust our customers have in us and how our products

Delivers. It all started with a clear idea for quality in a cellar at Nordre-Ål in Lillehammer in 1963.

For us at Fjellpulken, it has always been of the highest priority to make products that are at the very top

both in terms of safety and of consistently high quality. This shall apply to all our products, regardless

om det dreier seg om barnepulk som skal ivareta småbarn med på skitur eller ekspedisjonspulk

that will get people safely through the icy wilderness. Our harnesses and drags, sacks and bags have exactly the same

requirements for themselves in relation to quality.

Fjellpulken has received two awards of the "Award for Design Excellence", which is awarded by the Norwegian Design Council. We

promise that we will continue to develop and expand our range with great products to give you one more

Better hiking experiences. No matter where you're going.

Greet us at Fjellpulken

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